

新闻来源: 全联并购公会

2009年3月21日,并购公会与OECD共同在京举行OECD2009年度中国跨国投资政策报告发布会,OECD秘书长古利亚亲自介绍该报告,央行副行长苏宁、天津市委常委、副市长崔津渡到会致辞,并购公会王巍会长主持发布仪式。发布会上,并购公会负责人费国平和王波向古利亚秘书长正式呈递了,“呼吁全球企业抵制保护主义,实施负责任的全球商业行为”的公开信。   古利亚秘书长在接受了并购公会致OECD的公开信后说,他感谢公开信与经合组织关注的一致,他会将这封信转达给与经合组织相关的国际组织和跨国公司的负责人.他对并购公会主动承担和呼吁全球企业共同承担全球发展责任,抵制和反对保护主义的负责任态度表示欣赏和敬意,并表示经合组织将继续与各国民间商业协会保持密切合作,特别在中国与并购公会这样的专业组织建立长期合作.此后,古利亚秘书长与在场的一百多位商业和媒体人士进行了热烈的对话.   公开信全文如下:   致经合组织并各国商会组织、跨国公司的公开信:   呼吁全球企业抵制保护主义,实施负责任的全球商业行为   由跨国投资和贸易所推动的经济全球化,促进了发达国家和发展中国家的共同发展。让全球超过20亿的从业者与消费者加入到国际经济中,数亿计的人民从中受益,也因此,放松跨国投资监管和削减贸易壁垒,不断推动跨国投资和贸易,成为20世纪以来的主旋律。   然而,经济全球化之路,过去和未来都不会一帆风顺。自由贸易与保护主义的发展历史表明,当全球经济处于增长和繁荣阶段,自由贸易政策往往成为主导,而当全球经济面临或处于萧条阶段,保护主义措施总会沉渣泛起。因此,与世界各地、各种保护主义的博弈,需要更多国家、更多组织、更多企业和人民,共同不懈的持续推进经济全球化。   金融危机以来,全球需求锐减,跨国贸易、投资和资本流动迅速萎缩,各国企业和跨国公司都遭遇巨大的发展困难,如果放任危境中的企业破产清算,将会让更多的人失去工作,使上下游更多的企业也陷入困境。为他们提供资金和需求市场,成为很多国家迫不得已的选择。为了将更多的机会留给本国企业和公民,一些国家铤而走险,采取了短见浅识的各种保护措施,这些措施有可能引发各国政府、跨国公司和各种国际国内组织,以及消费者同样基于保护主义的连锁反应。   作为长期推动贸易和投资全球化进程的中国民间商业组织-- 全国工商联并购公会,我们深知巩固和发展跨国投资和贸易,维护资本在全球的自由流动,对于促进世界各国共同繁荣和发展,特别是帮助各国尽快走出金融危机的困难局面,将是非常关键的动力。回顾中国经济30年的发展,每一阶段的巨大进步,无不与国际贸易和全球投资息息相关。国际贸易和全球投资,为中国经济进步和全球和平发展,贡献了资本、技术和先进管理理念。   同样,新兴市场和发展中国家也为全球经济增长贡献了巨大的市场需求,支持了全球公司的可持续发展。特别是活跃在全球资本市场的并购者们,他们发现投资机会,推动技术和资本的转移,提升消费水平,通过并购交易贡献了跨国投资中70%以上的投资规模,为全球经济发展和民众福利做出了贡献。   金融危机还在向各国、各个产业蔓延,面对不断下降的需求,枯竭的流动性,全球发展正在面临巨大的考验。保护主义的抬头,只会使全球经济雪上加霜。是的,我们正在遭遇经济全球化以来最大的挑战。战胜危机带来的这种挑战,需要全球联起手来,重树坚持不懈推动全球化进程和共同发展的信心,因为,今天各国在投资、贸易、资本流动的广度、深度和规模上的联系,都超过了历史上的任何阶段。   尽管中国仍是发展中国家,但也在承担一个经济大国的基本责任。中国政府始终提倡建立中国企业和民众对改革和开放的信心,愿意与全球企业一起联合行动,战胜全球金融危机。特别是今年三月十七日,中国商务部刚刚颁布《境外投资管理办法》,鼓励中国企业参与全球发展投资,为推动世界经济恢复,履行中国企业应尽的责任。经济合作与发展组织也发布对中国投资政策的评估报告,高度评价并鼓励中国企业实施有责任的商业行为。   我们同时也非常高兴地看到,全球主要经济大国和商界的领袖们,在不同的场合都在呼吁建立对全球经济和抵御金融危机的信心,呼吁抵制各种形式的保护主义。   我们相信,实现全球经济增长,增加就业机会,需要各国政府、国际组织,乃至全球化参与者的共同努力,更需要跨国公司及其供应商,担负起经济恢复的全球发展责任,阻止保护主义蔓延和泛滥。没有全球公司有责任的商业行为,就不会有今天的经济全球化硕果。   我们倡议,全球公司及其供应商,以及从事并购交易的全球同行们,在履行负责任商业行为义务的同时,通过供应链管理,密切合作,推动全球发展,这些责任至少包括:   ·共同呼吁各国以最大限度的克制,防止保护主义抬头和蔓延,坚决抵制那些在母国推动保护主义,在东道国分享全球化机会的不道德商业行为;   ·推动有助于消除全球失衡的投资、贸易和资本流动制度的完善,促进跨国交易规则符合公平和正义原则;   ·积极行动起来,通过向新兴和发展中市场,提供或转让他们需要的服务或生产技术,使他们逐步具备参与全球发展的基本能力,促进全球需求的不断增长,消减全球发展失衡现象;   ·从共同和平发展出发,尊重各国的法律制度和市场体系差异,善意和理性的帮助东道国完善市场制度和体系,推动世界经济,稳定和可持续发展;   ·在推动和参与非歧视性规则建设中,主动履行企业的义务和责任,拒绝不负责任的撤资、裁员和终止合同行为。   全国工商联并购公会,将继续努力成为并购全球化的重要平台,也将成为承担有责任商业行为的全球化合作伙伴。   让我们竭尽所能,共同担负起全球发展的责任,共同战胜金融危机,巩固并发展几代人努力的全球化成果。让我们一起行动起来,用所有的影响力,动员子公司、雇员、供应商,一起抵制贸易和金融领域的保护主义,促进世界各国平等合作、共同发展,维护世界经济的持续繁荣和稳定。                               全国工商联并购公会                               2009-3-21 北京 An open letter to The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Chambers of Commerce, and multinational corporations of all countries Resist protectionism and implement responsible global business practices -- An appeal to enterprises world-wide Driven by cross-border investment and trade, economic globalization has promoted growth in both developed and developing countries. Over two billion of the world's workers and consumers are now involved in the global economy. As a result, hundreds of millions of people have been lifted from poverty. Globalization provides an easier environment for cross-border investment and reduces regulatory barriers to trade. Continuously promoting this trend is becoming the main theme of the 21st century。 However, the road to economic globalization has never been smooth either in the past or in the future. The history of development for free trade and protectionism indicates that, when the global economy is at the stage of growth and prosperity, free trade policies tends to be prominent; and when the global economy is facing a recession, protectionist actions soon float to the surface. So, to this extent, the global battle against all kinds of protectionism needs more countries, more organizations, more enterprises and more people to join and support it. Since the financial crisis broke out world-wide, a sharp drop in demand has been seen globally; also, cross-border trade, investment and capital flows are rapidly shrinking and local enterprises and multinational corporations are experiencing a challenging situation. Allowing too many enterprises that are in difficulties to claim bankruptcy could result in more unemployment and negatively affect the upstream and downstream companies. Many countries are compelled to provide the corporations that are in crisis with assistance.  In order to let more opportunities flow to local businesses and citizens, some countries are taking the risk to adopt a series of protective actions which are short-sighted; these measures may cause a domino effect within governments, multinational corporations and a variety of international and domestic organizations and consumers. China Mergers & Acquisition Association (CMAA) -- a Chinese civil business organization that focuses on long-term promotion of trade and investment -- believes deeply that the continued development of cross-border investment and trade and the maintenance of the free flow of capital across the globe are crucial drivers for the mutual prosperity and development of all countries, as well as to enable a quick response to the global financial crisis. The tremendous China’s progressive economic development over the past 30 years is closely related to international trade and global investment at every stage. International trade and global investment contributed the capital, technology and advanced management to China's economic progress, peaceful rise and development. At the same time, other emerging markets and developing countries have also had the opportunity to contribute to global economic growth by providing enormous new market demand and supporting multinational’s global business. Furthermore, the companies and organizations that are actively involved in M&A activities have facilitated the flow of capital across global markets, effectively identified investment opportunities, and promoted technology transfer. In fact, such M&A activity has contributed more than 70% of total cross-border investment. The financial crisis is spreading across various industries in different countries. Protectionism only makes the situation worse. We are now facing the toughest challenge since economic globalization began. To overcome these challenges, we need to rebuild everyone’s confidence in the journey of globalization and common goal of economic development. Although still a developing country, China is taking on great responsibility as an economic giant. The Chinese government has always advocated Chinese enterprises and the public's confidence in the reform and opening up policies and is willing to take joint actions with foreign governments to overcome the global financial crisis. In particular, on March 17 this year, the Chinese Ministry of Commerce issued the "Procedures for the Administration of Overseas Investment" to encourage Chinese enterprises to act responsibly when participating in global investment. The Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development also issued the Chinese investment policy assessment report, which encouraged Chinese enterprises to implement responsible business practices. All members of CMAA of National Federation of Industry and Commerce Association will continue to contribute efforts to global economic development. We are also very glad to see that the world's leading economic powers and business leaders, at different occasions, are appealing for confidence in the global economy’s ability to end the financial crisis, and are calling for a boycott of all forms of protectionist measures. We believe that the achievement of global economic growth and increased employment opportunities not only calls for the endeavor of governments and international organizations, but also needs multinational corporations and their suppliers to take on their responsibilities in the global economic recovery and help to stop the spread of protectionism word-wide. Without the responsible business practices implemented by global companies, there would be no great achievement in economic globalization today. We advocate that global companies, their suppliers, and colleagues who are involved in the M&A activities worldwide to fulfill the obligations of implementing responsible business practices and cooperate closely to promote global development through effective global supply chain management. We therefore advocate the following: Countries should be utmost restrained and prevent the rise and spread of protectionism; firmly resist unethical business conduct which promotes protectionism in own markets while continue to take advantage of the benefit of globalization Promote cross-border trade regulations in line with the principles of fairness and justice that can eliminate imbalances of global investment, improve the trade and capital flow system; Act immediately, through providing or transferring necessary services or production techniques to emerging and developing markets, equip them with the basic competencies to participate in global development. To promote continued growth in global demand and the elimination of global imbalances; Continue mutual and peaceful development, respect the legal system and the market system differences; assist the host country to build a rational market system;   While contributing to a non-discriminative trade environment, actively take the same responsibilities and fulfill the same obligations as the enterprises in host countries regarding contractual commitment in investment and labor. CMAA will strive to be an important platform for globalization and a responsible global commercial partner. Let us do everything we can to jointly take responsibility for global development, to overcome the financial crisis, and to cherish the achievement made so far through effort of several generations. Let us act together, mobilize your subsidiaries, your employees, and your suppliers to resist trade and financial protectionism, promote equality, cooperation, common development of the world, and safeguard the world economy with perpetual prosperity and stability.